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Showing posts from September, 2023


Bachelor Fh Vs Uni

Bachelor Fh Vs Uni . Before that, you got a diplom instead of a bachelor's degree, but if you did yours with almost the same knowledge form an fh, it was added to your title. Abgeschlossenes studium des vermessungsingenieurwesens (bachelor/diplom fh/uni), möglichst mit dem schwerpunkt. Soll ich an die Uni oder die Fachhochschule gehen? Karriere from Before that, you got a diplom instead of a bachelor's degree, but if you did yours with almost the same knowledge form an fh, it was added to your title. Consequently sauberlich previously separated if anybody had studied in the university of utilized sciences as. They are more research oriented and provide theoretical knowledge based on the subjects which related to a.

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